Fournisseurs Professionnels


Ressources de soins aux Aînés Montréal


How to take Charge of your Own Healthcare Experience with Solution-Based Advocacy

We rely on health care providers to provide quality care and timely interventions.  We expect that providers know the right questions to ask in order to understand our personal health situation and to obtain the appropriate resources.  The reality is that many health care professionals are drowning in paperwork and case overload and cannot spend a sufficient amount of time getting to know us and our needs.  As consumers, we must take our health into our own hands and advocate for what we need.  Today’s guest on Caregivers’ Circle, Donna Thomson, author of Four Walls of My Freedom: Lessons I’ve Learned from a Life of Caregiving and I discuss solution-based advocacy and how to effectively get what you need from our complex private, public and community resources.

Special  Thank’s  to :   Stephanie Erickson, Director of Erickson Resource Group